Tongue Retainers for Sleep Apnea: How Do They Work?

tongue retainer for sleep apnea

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Are you tired of waking up feeling groggy and sluggish, no matter how much sleep you get? Do you find yourself snoring loudly, gasping for air, or waking up with a dry mouth and sore throat? You might be suffering from a common sleep disorder called sleep apnea.

Sleep apnea is a condition that causes interruptions in breathing while you sleep. This can happen when the muscles in your throat and tongue relax too much, blocking your airway and preventing air from getting to your lungs. As a result, your body wakes you up briefly to restart your breathing, disrupting your sleep and causing you to feel tired and irritable during the day.

Tongue Retainers for Sleep Apnea

If you’re one of the millions of people who struggle with sleep apnea, you know firsthand how disruptive and detrimental it can be to your quality of life. From snoring and daytime fatigue to more serious health risks like high blood pressure and heart disease, sleep apnea can take a serious toll on your overall well-being.

But fear not – there is a solution that can help alleviate the symptoms of sleep apnea and restore restful, rejuvenating sleep to your nights: tongue retainers.

Tongue retainers are a non-invasive and highly effective treatment option for sleep apnea. They work by holding your tongue in a forward position while you sleep, preventing it from collapsing backwards and obstructing your airway. This simple yet powerful mechanism allows for improved airflow and uninterrupted breathing throughout the night, leading to more restful and restorative sleep.

How do they word?

Tongue retainers work by holding your tongue in a forward position while you sleep, which helps to prevent it from collapsing backwards and obstructing your airway. This is important because when your airway becomes obstructed, your breathing can become shallow or stop altogether, leading to snoring, gasping for air, and disrupted sleep.

By keeping your tongue in a forward position, tongue retainers help to improve airflow and reduce the likelihood of your airway collapsing during sleep. This can lead to a reduction in the symptoms of sleep apnea, including snoring and excessive daytime sleepiness.

Tongue retainers are typically made of soft, flexible materials and are designed to fit comfortably on your tongue. They are simple to use – just place the device on your tongue before bed and remove it in the morning for cleaning and maintenance.


Tongue retainers are a safe, effective, and non-invasive treatment option for sleep apnea. By holding the tongue in a forward position, tongue retainers can help prevent the airway from becoming obstructed and improve airflow during sleep. If you suffer from sleep apnea, tongue retainers may be an excellent treatment option to help you breathe easily and sleep soundly throughout the night. As tongue retainers might be helpful for sleep apnea, we’ve got you one of the soundest and secure devices that is also effective in curing sleep apnea.

Get ready to revolutionize your sleep with SANOVA – the eagerly anticipated solution for sleep apnea. Say goodbye to cumbersome treatments and hello to the custom-built oral appliance that’s changing the game. With the help of 3D printing technology, SANOVA delivers unparalleled comfort and effectiveness with its precise patient-specific fit.

SANOVA - Coming soon

Be the sleep apnea trailblazer and grab SANOVA as soon as it launches. Sign up now to score an amazing discount on this game-changing device.

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CAUTION – This is an investigational device, and not yet available for sale or purchase in the United States.  Limited by Federal (or United States) law to investigational use.  The device has not been cleared or approved for sale or use by the United State Food and Drug Administration.

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